Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Envirofest at Chollas Lake Park ~ Inspired by Greatness

On Saturday, September 19, 2009, Envirofest at Chollas Lake Park finally materialized. I worked with the San Diego Girls Alliance and a host of supporters and volunteers from various backgrounds who brought the long awaited Envirofest at Chollas Lake Park to life. First of all, one of the aspects of this event is a buffet-of-activity, so to speak, that compliments the simultaneous clean-up day which is in collaboration with I Love A Clean San Diego, San Diego Coastkeeper and the Coastal Commission. People could participate in laughter yoga, hip hop classes, tai chi, yoga therapy, energy healing, music therapy and learn about the environment in addition to participating in the clean up. This clean up day occurs statewide and Chollas Lake Park is an urban park, far from the beach, which I have always felt deserves just as much attention as the "best" parks or beaches anywhere.

Over 70 volunteers were there in support of the clean up drive and it was a beautiful sight. Some of us who had been there since our first clean up in 2004 were astounded by the interest and the commitment that so many local and distant community members brought to the park. In addition, we organized vendors including Lemongrass Asian cuisine, Double Koi Organic Tea, Honest Tea, Rumba Drinks, Chipotle, Jamba Juice, Karmic Health, Drive Time Yoga, Prince Graham Hip Hop, Laughter Yoga, Effulgence Yoga, The Taoist Santuary, AcuSport, Elivelife, as well as a host of healers such as Dr. Heidi and Shani facepainting and various organizations such as Environmental Services, Resounding Joy, San Diego Youth Services, 4 Walls International, the San Diego Beekeepers Group, Green Machine (from the County Office of Education), the Environmental Health Coalition, the Maac Project, San Diego State Recreation and Tourism Department students, Animal Protection Rescue League. We had a wonderful blessing by the Red Warriors (Native American Drumming) and guitar playing and singing, featuring Sven-Eric Seaholm and Brooke MacKintosh. Daisy Rock guitars sponsored the event and the writing contest that will be in effect promoting our program scheduled to highlight more music and art.

As an indie organizer, it was so rewarding to be a part of such an amazing event and to see so many dedicated people who were all working toward a common vision: self-love, learning about the earth and the ways that we can each make a difference in our own lives, in our households, communities and beyond; the importance of living harmoniously and the ways in which we can honor the planet and one another in the process. Thanks to all the volunteers and supporters who made this wonderful day possible.

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