Monday, November 29, 2010

Living an Amplified Life

The only way to have a life is to commit to it like crazy. - Angelina Jolie

When I discovered this quote, it hit me in the heart like an arrow -- right on point. Having a fulfilling life really does take a commitment to making sure that the experiences we choose are in alignment with life we truly want to have. If we are the ones creating our lives, then it does take focus and a level of awareness to make sure that we are consistently involved in activities and surrounded by the people who empower us and encourage us to thrive. Sometimes we may not have a community or network of folks who are able to be this empowering force. Upon noticing this, we can place our attention on creating space for more encouraging people to enter our lives who honor the spirit of our commitment to living life amplified and out loud.

Fresh Eyes and Ripple Effects

Power thoughts held over time mixed with strong emotions produce amazing results.  Are you ready to take a leap of faith?  Well, it is happening now.  During a conference call this morning, the topic went from moving beyond comfort levels -- to safety zones -- to noticing the actual location of the safety zone!

Where is the Safety Zone?!

The safety zone is always in place and all we have to do is trust in its existence.  As I thought about the questions presented in the discussion, it became increasingly clear that as we move into areas that feel unfamiliar, the safety zone is instantly extended and like a beautiful webbed invisible network, it holds us while we move toward a desired outcome. 

Why Fear?

We can decide that fear will be energy that is used as fuel for our own progress and development.  The omnipresent safety net has and will always be there.  Just think:  you ask for something, allow it to be there and it will.

If we notice what is occurring in life with fresh eyes and a different perspective, the question becomes:  are we willing to fully embrace our creations or do we view the present conditions with doubt and fears based on illusion?

Viewing the present with fresh eyes, we can set intentions and allow the ripple effects to manifest for the highest good of everyone all of the time.   Just because we do not see the ripple effects of the intentions immediately does not mean the blueprint of the intention is not in place; it is actually in formation as you intend, speak, feel and trust.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Growing New Wings

I hear people speak about the power of being in the void (the unknown, uncertainty and that hidden space) and being able to create from there -- even when we may be in fear, terror, shock and so forth.

Since 2007, I have been coaching people by using energy medicine (also known as Reiki, energy healing, energetic empowerment, intentions and manifestation) to help them alleviate emotional, mental, psychological discomfort and any perceptions of blocks in various areas of their lives. It has been a remarkable journey for me to be involved with others in an area of service in this capacity. The funny thing is, I never attempted to learn much about energy healing per se, but have been fascinated by manifesting and the law of attraction for years.

When I went through a marital breakup, I had the opportunity to take a very deep look into myself, my beliefs, patterns and desires. While I did not want to separate from the person I loved and married, it was inevitable. As a result of that union and breakup, I learned that I needed to be able to accept, transition and let go; I learned about the things that were holding me back (holding on to my concepts of the past and what I wanted rather than being able to see beyond what I thought I wanted and be open to an even greater opportunity).

I turned to my spiritual life for solace and found spiritual teachers, a strong yoga practice, the power of meditation and eventually was introduced to energy healing by my yoga teacher. I was beyond fascinated by what my teacher shared with me and by what is actually possible and available to us wherever we are. I worked with others and learned these practices of healing for myself and my own mind through the non-physical energetic method called Yuen Method (created by Dr. Kam Yuen) and Reiki (hands on healing which can also be done remotely). Additionally, I learned even more about the power of our thoughts; the power of prayers; as well as the vast array of information that is available everywhere -- online, in workshops and by every day people who are devoted to this empowering field.

The field of love.

I was inundated with all kinds of emotions relating to a new life without the one I thought I would be with forever.  It certainly did not occur to me that all of this would fuel my growing passion for assisting people to shift their consciousness, to set intentions and fly -- as I had been doing.

We never know what is in store for our lives. We have dreams, we attain them; life takes us through peaks and valleys and we have options -- we can learn to flow through these moments (regardless of the level of difficulty) in total trust without attachment to outcomes. We learn and witness that our beautiful and strong wings really do appear when they are necessary -- not too soon and never too late.

Trust.  Honor yourself where you are.  Sometimes it does not feel so easy but it can be done.  We really can be in gratitude for "it" all.  You are victorious right now, regardless of your circumstances, other people's perceptions of you or what people think you should be doing with your life.  Trust what you know about the beauty that is YOU.  You will see how "this too shall pass" and this too shall serve as fuel, not only in your own life but in the lives all of the people whose lives you bless with your presence.

If you are undergoing challenges right now that are testing your faith, stand firm in your beliefs and protect your thoughts. Surround yourself by the people and conditions that offer inspiration and love for who you are in this moment. Watch what happens now.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Shape, Shift and Perception

I recently read an interview by Vision Magazine on the film "Ghetto Physics: Will the Real Pimps and Hos Please Stand Up?" The movie was directed and written by Raymond E. Brown (Earl Ray) and William Arntz. Interestingly, William Arntz also co-directed and wrote What the Bleep Do We Know?! and What the Bleep?!

I have not seen Ghetto Physics yet (it was released in October 2010) but I definitely intend to check this out. Apparently a movie filled with excellent music, activists, teachers and interviews -- I am sure it is jam packed with all kinds of interesting perspectives and insights.

E. Raymond Brown said the first time he introduced this concept of Ghetto Physics was through his book "Stand Up" (2003). He suggests that we create our reality from metaphysics and move into ghetto physics. If certain rules are forced on groups of people where aspects of the rules contradict the group's internal nature, segments of that group reverse the rules and create their own realities. Many of us are creating new rules, new ways of being, behavior, attitudes towards our lives and realities that work for us in spite of what society has promoted.

I am thinking about the nature of empowerment and entrepreneurship. I find an article in a metaphysical magazine dealing with these concepts. As I read the text, I am motivated to continue down the adventurous path rather than the known and mediocre journey. What Brown is talking about is our ability to shift, consciously empower ourselves and make things happen in our lives.

The co-director William Arntz says that peoople need to stand up for what they really want to do instead of the things that society tells them they need to do. I agree. It is not necessarily the easiest route, but it can be -- especially when you surround yourself with people who support you as you move in a more fierce and direct expression of who you truly are.

We say we want to take leaps of faith and we do. We leap, we jump, we risk and we also encounter the hurdles that arise as we move with authenticity. What is a hurdle? A hurdle can be a perception; a hurdle can be a thought; a hurdle can be any experience of lack whether it is resources, financial or love. When we are in the midst of the hurdle moment, we can acknowledge the emotions that are occurring and let them out by allowing the energy to move and move us deeply. It may take a cry in a warm tub of water; a scream into a pillow; a brisk for run through the woods -- whatever you can do to allow yourself to fully feel and move the energy and help to bring yourself back to a sense of peace.  From here it is easier to shift to a more peaceful state which will enable you to move on to the next phase of your creativity.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"Jewel in the Heart of a Lotus" by Styletones

I find music to be one of the most powerful forces available to change a mindset and encourage a more constructive emotional and mental state of being. This song, "Jewel in the Heart of a Lotus," by San Diego soul band The Styletones, speaks loud and clear to me about personal freedom and the power of being in a state of joy. So many people are experiencing mental entrapment: living in the past, worrying about the future and frustrated by present conditions and challenges that may be occurring in their lives. Positive music like this gives people hope regardless of what they are going through. We must continue to support our local artists by attending shows, hiring them for our parties and buying their CD's and merchandise. They often give us new perspective and a freshness in our thinking when folks can easily become jaded. We can show our appreciation by being there for them as well. Music offers so much hope and possibility for all of us.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Magical Power of WORDS to Create Your Destiny

It may sound simple but our thoughts, intentions and words play a huge role in our daily experiences.  As I browse through posts on facebook, twitter and blogs, I am surprised by the way some people are using their energy and what they are creating through their words, what type of information they are sharing and interpretations of various experiences.  As I listen to people and their words about themselves and others, I so frequently want to share something that would demonstrate the power we have through use of language and how it can positively or negatively impact their own experiences.  When I found the video above, I was interested in checking out words of power.  It can be so beneficial to use powerful words to maintain a state of clarity and confidence.  Why not be uplifting?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Environmental Health and Wellness in the Community via San Diego's EnviroFest 2010

This is an interview from Envirofest at Chollas Lake Park, a community environmental health promotion in San Diego. We worked with numerous organizations to address neighborhood issues.  This event can be tailored to work with any community's needs and I am always happy to speak and work with people who have a vision for creating more positive environments in any city.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Interview with Steven Wright, Co-Founder, 4 Walls International

An excerpt from Luminaries on the Verge
by Brigitte Taylor
Photograph by Brett Holman

Risk Taking as a Way of Life

-A tribute to the risk taking social entrepreneurs who continue to inspire others with the courage to follow the voice of the soul – the heart’s true desire.

Steven Wright, Co-founder, 4 Walls International

It was Earth Day 2009. I woke up thinking about the word “sustainability,” the Earth Day festivities and the scientist that I was going to meet who would be happy to come to a community which rarely hosts environmental events and health promotions. I have been coordinating an environmental/health promotion through a festival called Envirofest at Chollas Lake Park for years and I felt it was time for solution-oriented scientists to come forward and support our efforts by educating the community about our relationship with the planet. I believed that someone would be available and committed to educating communities about the state of our environment and also offering solid information that could be integrate within our lives on a daily basis. I intended to encounter these people at Earth Day; they would offer a hands-on approach to educating our community about the role it plays in environmental strengthening and the alleviation of poverty.

As I visited various vending booths, I quickly noticed the nonprofit, 4 Walls International and its co-founder, Steven Wright, handing out information and signing up supporters for the sustainable housing called Earthships that are built using tires, bottles, cans, dirt and other easily found materials. It was obvious that these visionaries brought energy of fire and enthusiasm to Earth Day and speaking with them reinforced my knowing that anything is possible. Individually and collectively -- it is we who hold the power to positively impact our environments regardless of seemingly limited resources – financial or otherwise.

I learned that 4 Walls International was organized in February 2009 and by January 2010, they had already completed a pilot project exemplifying the benefits of an Earthship, conducted several fundraising and building events as well as participated in Envirofest as educators, allowing the community to get a solid understanding for the value of the Earthship, neighborhood’s role in waste reduction, poverty elimination, border awareness issues and overall self-determination.

4 Walls recently completed exploratory building with the crew of Earthship investor, Earthship Biotecture in Baja, California. Every month since my initial meeting with Steven, I have been amazed by the rapid progress and sustained energy that this newly formed organization has been able to maintain. Further, I have witnessed the support they have received from people from all ages, ethnicities and socio-economic status for the solutions they offer to counter the housing and environmental crises. As I have observed 4 Walls’ evolution and growth, it has confirmed to me what I know: anything is possible when we believe in our dreams and continue to press forward, regardless of obstacles and challenges faced along the way; regardless of the doubts of others, the state of the economy or societal fears.

I invite you to meet Steven Wright, Co-founder, 4 Walls International

Coming from your educational background in evolutionary biology, what was your plan for your life?

The plan was to go to graduate school for another 8 years and become an evolutionary biologist. I quickly realized that the lab and the lifestyle weren’t for me. For me it was more about the travel and adventure and being one with nature. The research trips I had taken over the years did have a purpose however in opening my eyes to what is happening to Mother Earth.

How did you create 4 Walls/describe how your vision came to you:

We used to have lots of natural resources and no human/garbage problem. Now it’s the opposite. So we need a solution that reduces the garbage and provides for people, allowing natural systems to recover... I found out about earthships and it just seemed like the logical solution. The vision was sort of coaxed out of me from a series of questions from my brother, and then working with 4 Walls co-founders Christian and Waylon, we refined it. We wanted to aggressively push the building of these homes.

What is so striking about the earthship as such an excellent model for sustainable housing?

The aspect of the earthship that is most important, for me, is the reduction in daily survival stress. A simple version of these homes can be a significant improvement in the standard of living for very simple, poor, people.

As your company evolves, what do you notice changing with regard to your original intent? What has remained?

I think the original idea of making this accessible to the poorest people on earth has remained in focus, just the path to that goal is much different. We KNOW where we are going, we just don’t know how what exactly will happen along the way. It’s a pretty fun ride though.

How has your involvement and development of this nonprofit altered your worldview, including view on humanity and views on humankind’s relationship to the earth?

My view of humanity hasn’t changed at all. We started this thing to try to fix what’s happening, and to bring those close to us and those willing to hold on to the idea, in to weather the storm. However, looking at the amount of American tax-dollars being spent in “Aid” around the world, we want to know where the money is going. We’ve traveled to these areas, and if we had a fraction of the money we are sending overseas we would create far more impact.

I am aware that you practice meditation. How has your meditation practice influenced your impressions of the role of science and spirituality in your life?

Meditation has really helped me to let go. It allows me to charge my battery, tapping into the eternal rhythm that flows through everything. I feel much more clear after meditating.  My view of science has changed.  Now, I see it as a way of “micro-observation” because science wants to break everything down and break it apart into little pieces instead of viewing everything as connected and ONE. Evolution, after all, is the study of how we are all related, tracing all species back to ONE common ancestor.

As you move along your path and implement your vision, how has this journey shaped your personal understanding of the meaning of your life?

The journey has given me an appreciation for the journey!  I’d have to say the journey has simply reinforced what I already know and what I already am.

In what areas has this process challenged you and encouraged the shaping of your personal growth?

It has challenged my patience and taught me to let go of things I cannot control.

How has it strengthened you?

All the positive feedback we’ve gotten along the way strengthens us, big time.

What is the greatest thing you have learned to date as a result of creating 4 Walls?


What major changes do you feel you’ve made personally as you work your passion and realize the vision that you are actually living?

Personal changes would be some of the self-destructive behavior being cut out. My mind is much clearer now, and the world is a much more magical place. I see signs everywhere now, and the NOW is so much damn fun.

What are some of the most startling observations that you have made since your undertaking of the 4 Walls project?

I don’t know if I’ve ever been startled from anything resulting in our projects. Maybe how relatively fast it is all happening?

What is your long-term goal for 4 Walls?

Our goal is to build 50 homes at a time with our main labor force being the poorest people in the world living in environmentally damaged areas. We want an office on every continent and to be contracted by national governments. Basically, we want 100 million dollars so we can really put a dent in this problem.

What existing circumstances do you perceive as major challenges to the earth/environment? 

Government.  I feel that people intuitively want to take care of their environment and provide for their families needs of shelter, food, water, and sanitation. Governments generally tend to take a while to get things done, and we don’t have a minute to spare. I do however believe that the situation is plenty bad in many places and that government officials are eager to act, but they need a real, comprehensive solution.

How do you remain focused and grounded as you work toward the unfoldment of your professional goals?

My business partners Christian and Waylon. I’m very much the head in the clouds, and they are the two feet on the ground. Those guys are great at what they do and 4Walls would fall apart if the tripod wasn’t a tripod.

What do you propose as an effective way to work with the indigenous populations to implement a system relating to environmental change and sustainability?

LISTEN. They already know what they need, and the system needs to come from within their culture. We have some ideas, techniques, etc., but needs will vary around the globe and first we need to listen to the people and what they want/need. It can’t be some outside system imposed on them, that already happened and it didn’t work out too well for them.

What do you feel the indigenous populations offer your organization and vision?

Most indigenous peoples are extremely poor, and sad to say it, but DESPERATION is what we need. It is desperate people that struggle daily to survive that will gladly work for free and receives one of our homes in return. People that are doing okay, won’t grab on to the idea soon enough, but people with nothing will find these homes magical and will latch on quickly.

Do you feel that you are part of a healing movement not only in your own city but in the countries that you enter?

I feel that we are part of a healing movement happening all over the world. People are waking up all over the place and realizing that we don’t have to live this way. People CAN take care of themselves and their environment. I also feel that this is a contagious movement, and wherever we go, it’s just too logical of a solution to ignore. I believe that this thing will be massive one day soon.

What is your advice or message do you have for youth regarding bringing forth their visions in their own lives and for the world?

Don’t listen to grown ups when they say you can’t make your wildest dreams come true -- they only say that because someone told them that once and they made the mistake of believing them. All you have to do is BELIEVE in yourself.

How Can We Support 4 Walls' Current Projects:

4 Walls International needs to raise $10,000 for its Tijuana development project. Fundraising events are underway throughout the month of November.  You can also be involved in volunteer efforts by contacting the organization directly. Please see: for more information.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Brides to Be: Check out D'Marie Bridal Couture

The Wedding Party Bridal Show was held at the Hyatt in Mission Bay on Halloween Day. I visited and found a fabulous San Diego-based designer, Danielle Marie Berg, who creates delightful wedding dresses. The name of the company is D'marie Bridal Couture. Check her out: I was quite impressed with the fresh, unique designs as well as the prices.