Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Life of Your Design

Most of us feel we must be mentally fortified in advance of experience. This is one of the reasons why we are buffers rather than experiencers.

~ Jean Toomer

I feel that an extraordinary existence begins with our ability to live our lives to the fullest, to dream and experience the totality of the actions that we take. Taking risks and being available to the opportunities that are created by making BOLD moves will certainly teach us a few things about ourselves, our inner strength, our faith and where we are heading.

Is it worth it?

Yes, it most certainly is.  If you cannot stand your job and want to do something different, what is holding you back? Most of the responses I hear range from family responsibilities, paying bills, lack of education or experience and not knowing what to do next. I have found that it really helps to reserve small amounts of time each day to think about your heart's desire; to meditate, plan, and focus on what you really want. Some of the time you spend exploring can be through using your hobbies to assist in your quest for the areas of your life in which you find the most passion. It may take reading a book like The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron, or Succulent Wild Woman by Sark, to stimulate creativity and give you a strong boost in the realm of inspiration.

Our society and its institutions could really benefit from more creativity: that is, more playful moments, more laughter and art, more dance, more music and more beauty (more of the activities that are currently being removed from our public school system). Who has the time for all of that? We have to create the time for it or we will never have it. These creative and expressive acts promote and encourage us to dream, to feel our connectedness and to express ourselves more authentically.

What is it that you would like to create for your life? Believe it is possible. Who is doing what you would like to do? Go talk to them. Whatever it is -- perhaps a current hobby that you already love -- which will become your next business venture or career.

Which step will you take?


Melanie Rose said...

Sark is one of my favorites, I should have known that she also inspires you! I'm giving one of my girlfriends "Succulent Wild Woman" for Christmas.

Suite Brigitte said...

Very nice, Melanie. Thank you for your comment. I received Succulent Wild Woman as a gift from a dear friend several years ago and it certainly is a treasure. :)